Conservative So. Baptists planning to 'show up, take control'
Friday, February 14, 2020 | Steve Jordahl (OneNewsNow.com)
Concern over a leftward drift in the Southern Baptist Convention has the largest Protestant denomination in America at a crossroads as its messengers prepare to gather in Orlando this summer.
Last summer in Birmingham, Alabama, the Southern Baptists approved a referendum drift away from biblical priorities and toward cultural relevance.
There's been talk of a boycott of this summer's Annual Meeting, but Pastor Sam Bunnell of South Reno Baptist Church in Nevada doesn't think that's a good idea.
"I think the answer is not to boycott, but to show up and take control back of the denomination. It happened in 1985," he notes.
The pastor is referring to what's known in SBC circles as "The Conservative Resurgence" – when a group of passionate, conservative leaders stood their ground and kept the denomination from following other mainlines off the theological cliff. Among those leading the charge were Adrian Rogers, Paul Pressler, W.A. Criswell, and Paige Patterson.
Bunnell says it's time for another resurgence. "I believe this is the year to take back the Convention," he tells OneNewsNow.
Lines have been crossed in the last year or two, he says, including the afore-mentioned Resolution 9. "It is no longer just differences in opinions or differences in practice," Bunnell explains. "It is now getting into the core theology of who Southern Baptists have always been and what we believe."
According to the Nevada pastor, others share his opinion that this is the time to fight for the soul of the Southern Baptist Convention.
"I think the perception is that the only ones who are pushing back against some of these liberal trends are older, white guys sitting in small churches that aren't growing and they're just on their computers fighting hopeless wars," he shares. "I'm here to tell you that is not the case: there are many in their 20s, 30s, 40s who are theologically sound."
The SBC's Annual Meeting is taking place June 9-10 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.
Article written by Steve Jordahl, and posted on the One News Now website.
Article reposted on Markethive by Jeffrey Sloe