Tim Sales' "Straight Talk": You're Brainwashed
This week he's going to expose yet another example of how competitors try to poach network marketers by badmouthing the industry and name-calling.
These guys are out there pretending to be haters for the purpose of getting traffic and eyeballs over to them, so that they can sell you their product instead.
Click to watch Straight Talk: You're Brainwashed!
Tim Sales video preview:
Notice the emotional language they use to elicit a reaction:
– You feel so dirty, like you need to take a shower
– Like a cheesy salesman
– Drag family and friends to your meeting
– You've gotta pounce on people
– Brainwashed
– Everyone is a potential recruit
I'm exposing their technique, because it's time someone stood up and pushed back on those who would seek to badmouth and criticize this industry.
I'm not brainwashed because I'm in business. And I'm not brainwashed because I'm in a network marketing business.
There is a professional way to do business, and there is a sleazy way to do business, and you are the one who must decide how you run your operation.
As for me and my team, we will always keep it professional. In fact, today I'll share a little bit of my "Inviting" formula that I personally use, which I learned from Tim Sales.
Link to Tim Sales' video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/1mHghm9S3rU
This article has been modified from an email that I received from Tim Sales. After being modified, it's been posted on Markethive by Jeffrey Sloe